Monday, December 15, 2008

Where are you Christmas?

Forgive me bloggers,it has been four days since my last post-session. Not much going on I guess. I'm getting a really late start with all things Christmas this year. I have a sad undecorated tree in my living room, which hopefully will be full of bling by tonight. Boobs and I did a little shopping yesterday, but we weren't as productive as we had hoped to be. My company Christmas party was on Saturday night, and I'm pretty sure I was the poster child for inappropriate behavior at a company function. I got twisted and fell while trying to drop it like it was hot...but apparently it's not really hot, it's just heavy! So on Sunday, which was our designated shopping day, I was hung over and not in the mood for crowds. We will resume shopping this week and hopefully be finished by the weekend. I will post photos of the tree later. Toodles. =)


  1. DaVida Chanel said...

    That is great that you are in the holiday spirit!! I hope your decorations came together. By the way, check out my blog when you get a chance ... YOU'VE BEEN TAGGED!