Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Too much sadness...

I was overwhelmed with sadness yesterday as I watched the nightly news.

First the Black Friday stampede at Wal-mart that left an innocent man dead. His body trampled on by greedy savage shoppers.

Then a bus driver (on my bus route), stabbed to death by a passenger demanding a transfer.

An orphaned two year old pleading for his dead mother, murdered by terrorists in Mumbai.

Death feels so far away from all of us. The truth is, most times, you never see it coming. Sorry for the gloomy post, but it's what I am feeling at this moment.



  1. Anonymous said...

    No no, don't apologize for the truth. Death is everywhere and I truly pity those that believe death will never touch them. But, the hardest thing to realize is death isn't even the worst that's happening to people out there. This world is so cruel and devastating.