Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Dear Blog,

I hope you don't take my blank stare the wrong way. It's not that I don't love you, really I do! It's just... just that I needed some time alone. I've missed you though. Whenever I am away from you, there is this nagging feeling that I can't explain. I feel guilty for leaving you alone. Things have settled some, and I promise to make time for you. I know, I know, you are always there for me. No please don't cry. I'm here, I'm back. Wipe those tears...yeah that's it. Do I see a little smile there? Hmmm...ah...there it is! I knew it was in there. *sigh* Oh blog, I just love you.

Monday, December 22, 2008

I got tagged!

Here are the rules: mention the rules on your blog. Tell six quirky yet boring, unspectacular details about yourself. Tag six others. Go to each person’s blog and leave a comment that lets them know they are tagged.

1. I have OCD. I check and recheck things that I know I have done...it takes me three times the amount of time it should to do stuff.

2. I love cheese. No really, it's like a love affair. All kinds, the stinkier the better! Anyone close to me knows how bad it is. My girlfriend got me a Cheese of the Month subscription as a birthday gift one year. This is the only reason I will probably never be able to be %100 vegan. =(

3. I hate when people make fun of me for not knowing how to speak Spanish. It drives me nuts!!! Both my parents were fluent, but only spoke to me in English. In fact, they only spoke Spanish when they didn't want me to understand what they were discussing. So I just never picked it up. I want to learn. It's one of my 2009 goals.

4. Since becoming a vegetarian, I get frustrated that the world doesn't know what I know about the meat they eat. I also want to slap people that wear fur.

5. I have a phobia of department stores. I can't go in one without feeling nauseous and faint.

6. I like to see the homes of people I don't know. I'm nosy that way I guess. I love to see how other people live...somewhat of a virtual Peeping Tom LOL

Monday, December 15, 2008

Where are you Christmas?

Forgive me bloggers,it has been four days since my last post-session. Not much going on I guess. I'm getting a really late start with all things Christmas this year. I have a sad undecorated tree in my living room, which hopefully will be full of bling by tonight. Boobs and I did a little shopping yesterday, but we weren't as productive as we had hoped to be. My company Christmas party was on Saturday night, and I'm pretty sure I was the poster child for inappropriate behavior at a company function. I got twisted and fell while trying to drop it like it was hot...but apparently it's not really hot, it's just heavy! So on Sunday, which was our designated shopping day, I was hung over and not in the mood for crowds. We will resume shopping this week and hopefully be finished by the weekend. I will post photos of the tree later. Toodles. =)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Nice tie!

I think Brad Pitt is a little nutso. Jen is way hotter than that blood wearing baby popping hussie that shall remain nameless. Jennifer is so classy and effortlessly sexy. Check her out on the cover of GQ looking all yummy!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Just two brothers walking home...

An innocent man was taken off life support early this morning, after a brutal beating with a baseball bat. He was attacked as he walked arm in arm with his brother and was presumed gay. His attacker shouted racial and gay slurs as he savagely struck him with the bat. This attack happened about 13 blocks from where I live, and it's very scary to know that there are people living close to me that would do such a thing. I sometimes walk hand in hand with my girlfriend, and most mornings we kiss as we part ways. Sometimes we get dirty looks, or hear the sucking of teeth, but we just ignore it.

I think people in this world are going nuts. You have to be some kind of animal to hate someone so much that you would take a bat to their head, while they scream and beg for mercy. The thought of the bat hitting his flesh and bone, the sound, the thud... I don't know how a human being could inflict that kind of pain on another human being.

Why should his parents have to grieve for their son? Why did his brother have to witness such a thing? The images surely replaying over and over in his head. Why did he have to die? It makes me so angry.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

What's on the brain...

1. There are blogger cliques. Some of the bloggers with large followings only interact with a chosen few. Funny I think. Many of them are hungry for comments, but make little effort to return the LOVE.

2. Watching dirty dancing makes me sad. It takes me back to a simpler time. I remember when cable TV was just a little brown HBO box with an on and off switch. My best friend and I would stay up late hoping to catch Dirty Dancing or For Keeps (with Molly Ringwald). I would love to revisit those times, if I only knew then what I know now, I would have savored those moments.

3. 2008 flew by!!!

4. The three glasses of red wine I had tonight have me in one of those deep thinking moods.

5. It's 12:45am, and I am more awake than I care to be.

6. I realize that my boss is never going to write the memo forbidding my coworker to wear boots ever again. She does this slow John Wayne walk around the office throughout the day, and with those boots on, the sound of each step is deep and challenging...and very annoying. It makes me want to bite down really hard on my pen, or throw my stapler across the room or something.

7. I am really old. My Friday and Saturday nights consist of watching TV and trying to stay up past 12. And if I want to get really jiggy with it, I will add some Shiraz to the equation. Oh yeah I said it.

I guess that's it for now. Nighty night.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Open letter to my boss

Dearest Asshole,

I have been working here for nine years, and have received several promotions. I have been extremely loyal, and watched many others come and go with the wind. I go above and beyond, and do quite a few things that are not my responsibility. I consider myself a team player and always have the company's best interest at heart. My holiday bonus is not even the equivalent of one weeks pay. Why is this? After my second year I received a crappy bonus, and it took me six years to climb just $300 beyond that, and now the same crap again this year. I did not receive a raise in 2008, and was hoping that I would see a lil extra something something in my envelope. Perhaps you were too busy trying to claim the $20 rebate on the Norton Antivirus for your home PC that the company paid for to realize that you are giving me the same crappy flippin lousy ass bonus you gave me last year. Could this be possible? Perhaps this letter will serve as a reminder, and I will be pleasantly surprised at the Christmas party with an extra couple hundred in my card, and a sincere thank for for planning said Christmas party. If I am not pleasantly surprised, I will be forced to write your cell number on bathroom walls encouraging pissed off employees everywhere to call you and tell you about yourself.

Looking forward to your anticipated cooperation.

Your loyal employee,


Good eh?

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

$75 per night

The Neptune Hotel, Bushwick, Brooklyn, NY

This hotel is a magnet for drugs and prostitution. Residents have been trying to shut it down for years without success. Unfortunately it's on the corner of my otherwise pretty tree lined block. I called today to find out what the going rates are. The man seemed a little uneasy answering my questions, which made me uneasy. As he was hanging up he said, "Good luck." Apparently you need luck to stay at the Neptune Hotel.

Too much sadness...

I was overwhelmed with sadness yesterday as I watched the nightly news.

First the Black Friday stampede at Wal-mart that left an innocent man dead. His body trampled on by greedy savage shoppers.

Then a bus driver (on my bus route), stabbed to death by a passenger demanding a transfer.

An orphaned two year old pleading for his dead mother, murdered by terrorists in Mumbai.

Death feels so far away from all of us. The truth is, most times, you never see it coming. Sorry for the gloomy post, but it's what I am feeling at this moment.
