Thursday, October 30, 2008

My dogs itchy butt...

So apparently my Shih Tzu Eddie is having some type of allergic reaction to his food. What reaction you ask? An itchy booty, which I can tell you is irritating the heck out of me as well. So I did some research and a couple of sites recommended Aveeno Oatmeal soak to relieve the itching. So off to the pharmacy I went. I stopped in the pet aisle to pick up a bag of food when I noticed a hydrocortisone spray especially for allergic reactions and such. So as I was reading the label, I noticed that there were special instructions when using the spray on lactating bitches. EXCUSE ME!?!? Did the label actually say "Lactating bitches"? Why yes it did reader (at the time of this blog I only have one follower lol). I tried taking a picture with my phone to share, but it was too blury :(

Well anyway, Eddie got a sexy oatmeal bath and seems to be feeling a little better. He's going to be getting royal treatment over the next couple of days with daily oatmeal baths and extra brushing. Too bad he hates every minute of both.