The childrens father is still an asshole. I have emailed him a couple of times to advise him of some very important things but I have not heard back from him.
My daughter was in the hospital for an emergency minor surgerical procedure. She is home and doing well now. It was really nice of her father to show up at the hospital to pay her a visit... EMPTY HANDED...not so much as a balloon.
I don't think I have ever been under as much financial stress as I am under at this time. I had a mild panic attack the other day. WTF.
I started the procedure for child support. The state better not order him to pay $15 or some shit like that because as it is I am feeling very POSTAL lol
I have cracked open a bottle of wine and plan to relax my mind tonight. I have another blog that I have been dedicating more of my time to... really trying to focus on my writing. I decided to make a separate blog because the content might not be for everyone.
I guess that's it for now! =)