Monday, January 19, 2009

The Lword Premier

So I had to upgrade my cable plan to include Showtime because it's Lword season...and what kind of Lesbian would I be if I didn't right? This is the final season...what will we do on Sunday nights from January to February for the rest of eternity??? *sigh*

Apparently the writers thought it would be really cool to start off the season with a scene from the end of the season where Jenny dies. So now the entire season will be the events leading up to that tragedy. I think I would have rather had the shocking ending without the little preview. :/


  1. Earth Fairy said...

    You know, I was so upset that I found out Jenny was dying before the season airs!

    That was a buzz-kill for me...

    However, I am so anxious to see the last season. I feel like they need to end this show before it gets even crazier. I swear these last few seasons have been mayhem.

    Nothing compares to season 1 and 2..::sighs::