Thursday, November 5, 2009

This roller coaster called life.

Sheesh it has been a rough ride these past few months. My son left home and went back to live with his father...I have not heard from him in 2 months. He is slowly breaking my heart. My daughter needs to have minor surgery #2 because her cyst came back. My grandfather is in the hospital where they let him fall out of the bed after having two brain surgeries (the result of a fall). My relationship is in shambles. Let's see what else???? LOL

The ONE good thing is that I am still able to smile!!! *CHEESE*

I miss this blog. I am going to try to post more often...gradually.


  1. Barbara said...

    Yikes! What a busy time in your life right now. So glad to hear that you are smiling through it. I hope that it all gets better over time. Hope your daughter's surgery goes well and that that little bugger stays gone so that she wont have to have another.